Monday, July 18, 2011

Strechau Castle

On our way home from the mountains we stopped at Strechau Castle.
The castle is 1000 years old and was never taken by an enemy army. It has great fortifications and sits on a rock overlooking a river valley.
Thomas checked out the fortifications.

This is the only entrance into the inner castle.

They have a beautiful Renaissance court yard in there.

This is one of the rooms that was created for the Emperor.

This is the court yard from the other side.

This is the view.

The family that owns this castle has a passion for cars. In one of the castle´s rooms, all 23 of the oltimers in their collection are stored and can be looked at as part of the castle tour. This is a very tiny German car from the early 50s called "Goggomobil."

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