Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Today we went to Lower Austria´s highest mountain. It is called Schneeberg, which means "Snow Mountain." They have snow up there all year. It is about 1800 meters above sea level.

We took a special rack-railway up the mountain. The train made a stop where we could buy "Buchteln" - a local delicacy.
This was our train. It is called Salamander.

This was on the summit. The church in the back was dedicated to Empress

Elisabeth after her assassination. This was the end of the Salamander.

We checked out the church....

... and the view.

Thomas looked at the Jackdaws.

It was cool up there but the view was great!

We also found some snow.

And we found a cabin for some food:

Thomas had a great Schnitzel!

We found some gentian.Here is a close up of this famous Alpine flower.

We ran up to the cross at the summit.

Here we are!

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